Friday, January 17, 2014

A PORTION OF MY LIFE TESTIMONY: Everything You Need to Make a Difference :Day 2

Everything You Need to Make a Difference :Day 2

10 years ago I had dreams of studying in  America.  I had no idea how, when and why, but I knew that some how God will make away despite what kind of life I was living in. Now like everyone else I had those people in my life who would look at me and think I was crazy for having big dreams but like I always say, "IF IT'S A DREAM I MIGHT AS WELL DREAM BIG".

As years go by I realized that God has granted most of my dreams  I live in America, I have a wonderful family, I go to a nice school and to top it all I am very healthy. God has been so good to me and I can never fully explain how grateful I am.

God blessed me with parents who have a lot to teach me and one of the most important things I have learned from them is to be missionary: to help those in need, and to think about other people's need before mine. It is in that mind as I start these fourteen weeks fundraising journey I remember that God is in control of everything, and that he will make a way.

All I need  is your prayers and your support.
By helping me to keep achieving my big dreams by sending me to Africa, you will not only be helping me but also those I will be serving.
I need to raise a total of $4500 for all my stay for 2 1/2 months in Rwanda which Includes plane tickets, housing, food, and transportation.
I have fourteen weeks till I leave and need at least to raise $46 a day. There is different ways to help: i.e..., you can pray for peace as I plan this whole trip, you can give financially- anything counts $1, $5, $10, $50, or $100 whatever you can. You can also sponsor one of the following by sharing my Dreams in your churches, youth groups, families, and friends.
Plane tickets: $2000
Rent: $600
Food: $1200
Transportation: $600
To make a donation you can give online (on the Give Today page you can select Mission Trip Project from the drop down menu, once Paypal opens there is an option for Special Instructions, click "Add" and type "Kelly" or any message you want), or you can mail checks to the office of Ten Talents.

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